Conseguir ese pequeño efecto desigual o atípico es lo que más me da vueltas en la cabeza en estos días, he estado viéndolo en pasarelas y estilismo de muchas marcas. Por supuesto, ando obsesionada con todo aquello que lleve un estampado, mucho color y las distintas mezclas que puede resultar de ello.
No creo que exista un solo consejo que te ayude a alcanzar el éxito de este tipo de atuendos, pero creo que puedo mencionar mis tres tips principales:1. Recuerda que debe existir un punto en común entre los estampados, esto puede ser tanto en color como en trama.
2. Elige un patrón dominante y refuerza su protagonismo a través de la paleta de colores de tu outfit.
3. Pon una tercera pieza que haga de elemento neutral para que una tus dos estampados o usa tus accesorios de las forma que todo se vean unido y parejo.
I'm obsessed with everything that has a pattern, a lot of color and the different mixtures of them. I've been seeing it on catwalks and styling of many brands of course it is stuck in my head to achieve that little unequal or atypical outfit .
I do not believe that there is only one piece of advice to help you achieve the success of this type of attire, but I think I can mention my three main tips:
1. Remember there must be a common point between the prints. This can be color, pattern or both.
2. Choose a dominant pattern and reinforce its prominence through the color palette of your outfit.
3. Put a third piece that makes a neutral element so your two prints can feel joined or use your accessories provocate that feeling.
I do not believe that there is only one piece of advice to help you achieve the success of this type of attire, but I think I can mention my three main tips:
1. Remember there must be a common point between the prints. This can be color, pattern or both.
2. Choose a dominant pattern and reinforce its prominence through the color palette of your outfit.
3. Put a third piece that makes a neutral element so your two prints can feel joined or use your accessories provocate that feeling.
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