Han pasado ya casi dos años desde que el millenial pink entró en nuestras vidas y aunque lo amamos sabíamos que en algún punto tenía que evolucionar, este otoño 2018 para entrar en tendencia debemos subirle la temperatura al rosa y llevarlo lo más cerca del fucsia. Este tono se puede llevar en atuendos monocromáticos a todo color o en combinaciones atrevidas como con rojo y amarillo. Si por el contrario te cuesta pensar en vestirlo puedes intentar mantener el equilibrio al llevarlo con tonos neutro o dejarlo para pequeños acentos únicamente con tus accesorios y por supuesto en el labial.
Personalmente, este es uno de los colores a los que me adapto con mayor facilidad y que puedo usar sin pensarlo tanto. Hoy llevé el rosa a otro nivel: "Barbie Style", sin complejos combiné esta camiseta con esta falda y en cuanto me vi en el espejo pensé en mi muñeca favorita y todo su guardarropa, fue como jugar otra vez. Por supuesto este estilo merecía unos tacones de impacto, pero quise relajar un poco todo el outfit colocando todos los accesorios en tonos marrones. El éxito de usar rosa está simplemente en volverlo tuyo.
It has been almost two years since the millennial pink came into our lives and although we loved it that we knew that someday it must evolve. This fall in order to go on trend we must raise the temperature to the pink and take it as close to fuchsia. This tone can be worn in monochrome attires or in daring combinations such as red and yellow. On the other hand, if you find it hard to think about it, you can try to find balance by wearing it with neutral tones or leaving it for small accents only with your accessories and of course on your lipstick.
Personally, this is one of the colors which I adapt more easily to my style and I can wear it without thinking so much. Today I took pink to another level: "Barbie Style", without complex I combined this shirt with this skirt and as soon as I saw myself in the mirror I thought about my favorite doll and all its wardrobe. It was like playing again! Of course this style deserved some impact heels, but I wanted to relax a bit the whole outfit by wearing all the accessories in brown tones. The success of using pink is just to own it.
Personally, this is one of the colors which I adapt more easily to my style and I can wear it without thinking so much. Today I took pink to another level: "Barbie Style", without complex I combined this shirt with this skirt and as soon as I saw myself in the mirror I thought about my favorite doll and all its wardrobe. It was like playing again! Of course this style deserved some impact heels, but I wanted to relax a bit the whole outfit by wearing all the accessories in brown tones. The success of using pink is just to own it.
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