Esta temporada viene cargada de estampados, colores fuertes y un gran esfuerzo por sobre cargar todos los looks. Que mejor forma de mostrártelo que poniendo todo junto que con "Total Look", hoy en estampado galés! Estoy segura de que ya habrás visto este tradicional estampado en muchas prendas y quizás aún te hace dudar que puede verse muy serio o anticuado, esa es la principal razón por la que al usarlos debes pensar que tus outfits deben reflejar todo lo contrario y verse: nada protocolares y tender hacia lo casual sin dejar de ser chic. Para lograr este objetivo elige combinarlos con prendas que te ayuden a desestructurarlo como una chaqueta deportiva, una camiseta o tenis. Para la paleta de colores piensa en colores fuertes, alegres y brillantes, eso te alejará de verse como un look de oficina.
Mi idea hoy fue destacar esas delicadas líneas amarillas del patrón con todos los accesorios dorados y la chaqueta amarilla, la misma que demás a través de su silueta me ayudó a reforzar el contraste de lo femenino del conjunto y los tacones.
This season is full with prints, strong colors and a big effort to achieve over the top looks. What better way to show it than putting everything together than with Total Look. Today in Welsh print! I'm sure you've already seen this traditional print on many pieces.Perhaps it still makes you doubt that it can look very serious or outdated, but that's the main reason why when you wear them you should think that your outfits should reflect the opposite and look: nothing protocolary and tend toward the casual while remaining chic. To achieve this goal, choose to combine them with items that help you to deconstruct it, such as a sports jacket, a t-shirt or tennis. For the color palette, think on cheerful and bright colors, they will keep you away from an office look.
Today my main idea was to highlight those delicate yellow lines of the pattern with all the accessories in gold and a yellow jacket. This garment's silhouette also helped me to reinforce the contrast with the feminine side of this set and the heels.
Today my main idea was to highlight those delicate yellow lines of the pattern with all the accessories in gold and a yellow jacket. This garment's silhouette also helped me to reinforce the contrast with the feminine side of this set and the heels.
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