Por lo general en los días de sol nos invaden las ganas de vestir colores y aunque es totalmente lógico creo que nunca debemos subestimar el poder de un look negro o en mi caso: blanco y negro. El color negro siempre viene bien, solo basta con pensar en estos puntos:
1. Apuesta por faldas y vestidos, no hay little black dress o mini falda que pueda fallar.
2. Busca telas frescas y ligeras, el movimiento de estas prendas te ayudará con las temperaturas altas.
3. Contrastes, no hagas atuendos monocromáticos ve directo por tonos vivos o el blanco para que contrasten con el negro y llamen la atención.
Usually, in sunny days we are invaded by the desire to wear colors and although it is totally logical I think we should never underestimate the power of a black outfit or in my case: black and white. The black color always comes in handy, just think about these points:
1. Bet on skirts and dresses, there is no little black dress or mini skirt that can fail.
2. Look for fresh and light fabrics, the movement of these garments can help you with high temperatures.
3. Contrasts, do not make monochromatic outfits go straight with bright colors or white to contrast with black and let them draw the attention.
1. Bet on skirts and dresses, there is no little black dress or mini skirt that can fail.
2. Look for fresh and light fabrics, the movement of these garments can help you with high temperatures.
3. Contrasts, do not make monochromatic outfits go straight with bright colors or white to contrast with black and let them draw the attention.
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