Definitivamente los leggins no deben ser tratados como pantalones, y aunque son lo más cómodos hay que saber como llevarlos y tener en cuenta que son muy reveladores, marcan con facilidad tu ropa interior, acentúan los rollitos y muestran los signos de la celulitis. Por eso hay que ser extremadamente cuidadosa al escogerlos y al usarlos. Hoy les dejo mi top 5 de recomendaciones sobre esta prenda:
1.Ve siempre por las telas más gruesas, ellas serán tus aliadas para moldear tu figura y no dejar a la vista tu ropa interior.
2. Usa siempre en la parte superior prendas más fluidas y de preferencia más lleguen abajo de tus caderas, solo así lograrás el balance.
3. Los leggins con rayas laterales (como los que llevo hoy) estilizan muchísimo la silueta y llevan la atención al largo de tus piernas.
4. Jamás, jamás, jamás! lleves leggins blancos: son los más chismosos y aumentan volumen innecesario. Ve siempre por los colores oscuros.
5. Evita el estilo pescador, los leggins deben llegar a tus tobillos. Recortarlos a mitad de tus muslos solo hará que esta parte se vea más gorda y recortará el largo de tus piernas.
Definitely leggings should not be treated as pants. Although they are the most comfortable ones you have to know how to wear them and keep in mind that they are: very revealing, easily mark your underwear, accentuate those little waist rolls and show up cellulite' signs. That's why must be extremely careful choosing and wearing them. Today I leave my top 5 recommendations about this garment:
1. Always loock for the thickest fabrics. They will be your allies to shape up your figure and not leave your underwear in sight.
2. Always use more fluid clothes on the top and go for lenghts wich reach your hips. Only this way you will achieve the balance.
3. Leggings with side stripes (like the ones I wear today) stylize the silhouette and take attention to the length of your legs.
4. Never, never, ever! wear white leggings. They are the most gossipy and increase unnecessary volume. Always seek for the darkest colors.
5. Avoid the fisherman style. Leggings should always reach your ankles. Trimming them in the middle of your thighs will only make this part look fatter and will cut the length of your legs.
1. Always loock for the thickest fabrics. They will be your allies to shape up your figure and not leave your underwear in sight.
2. Always use more fluid clothes on the top and go for lenghts wich reach your hips. Only this way you will achieve the balance.
3. Leggings with side stripes (like the ones I wear today) stylize the silhouette and take attention to the length of your legs.
4. Never, never, ever! wear white leggings. They are the most gossipy and increase unnecessary volume. Always seek for the darkest colors.
5. Avoid the fisherman style. Leggings should always reach your ankles. Trimming them in the middle of your thighs will only make this part look fatter and will cut the length of your legs.
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