Estos pantalones fueron el resultado directo del reporte de la pasarela Primavera - Verano 2018 de Tommy Hilfiger recuerdan?? (Aquí para que vuelvan a verlo) Están inspirados en la Formula 1 y recargados de testosterona, al verlos inmediatamente supe que me gritaban tacones y bralette. Realmente necesitaban algo realmente femenino. A partir de esta premisa puse junto este atuendo, intentando hacer balance en cada detalle hasta los pequeños detalles que rebela esta camiseta super deportiva.
These pants were the direct result of the report of the Spring - Summer 2018 Tommy Hilfiger's catwalk. Do you remember? (Here to see it again) It was inspired by Formula 1 and full with testosterone. Just to see those pants I immediately knew that I screm: heels and bralette. They really needed something really feminine. From this premise I put together this outfit, trying to take balance in every detail until the small one., that inclued this super sports t-shirt wich shows just the necesary.
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