Estilo Deportivo.- más que una tendencia, un estilo de vida.
Si hace cuatro o cinco años alguien me hubiese dicho que me va a gustar el estilo deportivo seguramente hubiese reaccionado de la mala manera. De hecho, si buscas en este blog encontrarás declaraciones como: "con tenis, solo al gimnasio". Pero que cambió?? creo que la respuesta es todo! empezando desde la forma de vernos y sentirnos como mujeres, pasando por nuestros roles multitareas y desembocando en otorgarnos a nosotras mismas más libertad al vestirnos sin sentir que al descansar de los tacones traicionamos nuestra feminidad.
En este atuendo doy una vuelta de 360 grados a mi amado "Sporty chic Style" con un cien por ciento de prendas deportivas. Es una suerte de traje que entre la sudadera y la falda lápiz, pero que a mi criterio crean un equilibrio transformador donde 100% deportivo significa Casual. Así es como siento estos atuendos lista para todo lo que el día pueda traer, super trendy y al mismo tiempo totalmente representada por lo que llevo puesta. Al final del día la moda está para eso: representarnos sin palabras.
Sporty Style - more than a trend, a lifestyle.
If four or five years ago someone had told me that I would love the sports style, I would probably have reacted the wrong way. In fact, if you search on this blog you will find statements such as: "with tennis, only at the gym". But what changed? I think the answer is everything! starting from the way we look and feel like women, going through our multitasking roles and leading to grant ourselves more freedom to dress without our heels feeling like we betray our femininity.
In this outfit I give a 360 degrees turn to my beloved Sporty chic Style with a hundred percent of sportswear garments. It is a kind of a suit between the sweatshirt and the pencil skirt, but that in my opinion they create a transforming balance where 100% sporty means Casual. This is how I feel these kind of outfits ready for everything that the day can bring, super trendy and at the same time totally represented by what I wear. At the end of the day, that's what fashion is for: to represent us without any words.
If four or five years ago someone had told me that I would love the sports style, I would probably have reacted the wrong way. In fact, if you search on this blog you will find statements such as: "with tennis, only at the gym". But what changed? I think the answer is everything! starting from the way we look and feel like women, going through our multitasking roles and leading to grant ourselves more freedom to dress without our heels feeling like we betray our femininity.
In this outfit I give a 360 degrees turn to my beloved Sporty chic Style with a hundred percent of sportswear garments. It is a kind of a suit between the sweatshirt and the pencil skirt, but that in my opinion they create a transforming balance where 100% sporty means Casual. This is how I feel these kind of outfits ready for everything that the day can bring, super trendy and at the same time totally represented by what I wear. At the end of the day, that's what fashion is for: to represent us without any words.
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