No creo que exista un estampado más típico y acertado para el verano que el estampado tropical. Esta temporada en especial los he visto por todos lados y diferentes combinaciones de flores y hojas, estoy segura que hay para todos los gustos.
Lo que más me gusta de este tipo de estampados es la amplia gama colores con la que te permite jugar en los atuendos. Como tip extra: recuerda que para combinar se pueden usar los mismos tonos del estampado o sus contrastes.
Para probar esta tendencia yo me decidí por este vestido, super delicado y femenino, pero ya me conocen quiero usar todo al revés! por eso mi primer pensamiento para esta prenda fue usarla con tenis y hacer un atuendo lo más desenfadado posible.
- très chic by paulina -
I do not think there is a more typical and successful print for summer than tropical print. This particular season I've been seeing it them everywhere and different combinations of flowers and leaves. I'm sure there is something for everyone.
What I like most about this type of prints is the wide range of colors with which it allows you to play in outfits. As an extra tip: remember that to combine you can use the same tones of the print or its contrasts.
To prove this trend I got for this super delicate and feminine dress, but you know me I want to wear everything upside down! So my first thought for this garment was to use it with tennis and make an outfit as casual as possible.
What I like most about this type of prints is the wide range of colors with which it allows you to play in outfits. As an extra tip: remember that to combine you can use the same tones of the print or its contrasts.
To prove this trend I got for this super delicate and feminine dress, but you know me I want to wear everything upside down! So my first thought for this garment was to use it with tennis and make an outfit as casual as possible.
sobre mi atuendo...
vestido / dress: Koaj (new)
chaqueta / jacket: Mango
tenis / sneakers: Pull and Bear
bolso / bag: Mango
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