Los 90's son mi decada favorita tanto en la moda como en la música.
Hoy llevo esta chaqueta que es totalmente amor por esta década tanto por su estilo como por sus detalles. Además del choker está esta falda corta de denim con detalles deslavados y sin costuras finales. Creo que con este outfit fácilmente podría viajar en el tiempo! jajaja!
Dije que también en la música verdad?? AQUÍ les comparto una playlist que escucho cuando despierto con ganas de contagiarme de esas vibras noventeras de No doubt, Bon Jovi o BackStreet Boys...
Me pone de muy buen humor!
- très chic by paulina -
The 90's are my favorite decade in fashion and music.
Today I'm wearing this bomber jacket that is totally love for this decade as much for its style as for its details. In addition to reinforce this statement the choker and this short denim skirt with laundered details and no final sewing. I think that with this outfit I could easily travel in time! Hahaha!
I said that also in music, right ?? HERE I share a playlist that I hear when I wake up wanting to get caught up in those amazing vibes of No Doubt, Bon Jovi or BackStreet Boys... It puts me in a good mood!
Today I'm wearing this bomber jacket that is totally love for this decade as much for its style as for its details. In addition to reinforce this statement the choker and this short denim skirt with laundered details and no final sewing. I think that with this outfit I could easily travel in time! Hahaha!
I said that also in music, right ?? HERE I share a playlist that I hear when I wake up wanting to get caught up in those amazing vibes of No Doubt, Bon Jovi or BackStreet Boys... It puts me in a good mood!
sobre mi atuendo...
outfit completo / whole outfit: Koaj (new)
botines / booties: Zara
bolso / bag: Carolina Herrera
gafas / sunnies: Aldo
much love, Pau
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