Una fashionista siempre tiene en mente el ir conformando el closet perfecto. En el camino vas encontrando esas piezas claves con las que sueñas como si fue un rompecabezas. Este sombrero de paja toquilla es el protagonista hoy y la pieza que faltaba en mi closet, clásica pero con un giro inesperado en tono rosa. Necesito decir algo mas???... esta hecho en Ecuador #proudgirl
Por ello me emociona muchísimo finalmente escribir este post.
Un mal llamado sombrero de Panamá (ya que está hecho en Ecuador) es la sombrero clásico por excelencia y perfecto para días cálidos, además:
- Crean una perfecta yuxtaposición entre lo masculino y femenino, lo cual automáticamente te ayudará a crear atuendos interesantes.
- Considero que es el accesorio perfecto para usar en un viaje, todos tus atuendos estarán totalmente a otro nivel y por ende tus fotografías.
- Es una pieza de inversión y atemporal, perfecto fondo de armario.
- Un tienes dudas?? ve por atuendo básico nunca puede fallar junto con un sombrero así.
- très chic by paulina -
A fashionista I always have in mind shaping the perfect closet. Along the way you will find those key pieces with which you dream as if it was a puzzle. This toquilla straw hat is the protagonist today and the missing piece in my closet, classic but with an unexpected twist on pink tone. Do I need to say something more???... it is made in Ecuador #proudgirl
So, I'm really excited to finally write this post.
A badly named Panama hat (since it is made in Ecuador) is the classic and perfect hat for warm days, in addition:
- It create a perfect juxtaposition between the masculine and feminine, which will automatically help you to create interesting outfits.
- I consider that it is the perfect accessory to use in a trip, all your outfit will be totally to another level and therefore your photographs.
- It is a timeless piece of investment, perfect for any fit in your closet basics.
- Already have a doubt? Go for a basic attire it can never fail with a hat as this.
So, I'm really excited to finally write this post.
A badly named Panama hat (since it is made in Ecuador) is the classic and perfect hat for warm days, in addition:
- It create a perfect juxtaposition between the masculine and feminine, which will automatically help you to create interesting outfits.
- I consider that it is the perfect accessory to use in a trip, all your outfit will be totally to another level and therefore your photographs.
- It is a timeless piece of investment, perfect for any fit in your closet basics.
- Already have a doubt? Go for a basic attire it can never fail with a hat as this.
sobre mi atuendo...
sombrero / hat: Ecua-andino Hats
blusa / blouse: Stradivarius (new)
pantalones / pants: Zara
bolso / bag: Purificación García
Very pretty tocaya!!