Una mujer empoderada es sinónimo de autoestima pues conoce sus
límites, capacidades y las desafía. Pero más importante desea y añora ver a
otras conectarse con su poder, el poder femenino. Esto significa ser una
mujer segura y con libertad de poder escoger cada día quien ser, que ponerse,
con quien compartir su vida y caminar de su mano sin complejos y miedos. Una
mujer empoderada es la dueña de su vida.
La aventura diaria me lleva a concebir mi vida como un constante
desafío, soy una mujer con dos pasiones: la Moda y la Arquitectura. Decidí no
limitarme a una, y trabajar en las dos. En un mundo de hombres como la
arquitectura me encanta destacar mi creatividad en el diseño con conceptos y
detalles que solo el sexto sentido de una
mujer puede entender. En la moda busco siempre cruzar los límites de mi
zona de confort y explorar, 365 atuendos al año significan 365 oportunidades de
cada día ser quien quieres ser.
Este es mi móvil diariamente al escribir para este blog, con el objetivo
de que entendamos juntas que al colocarnos
nuestros tacones, de forma secreta somos ligeramente más poderosas, que con
ellos abrazamos nuestra feminidad y así sentirnos dueñas de nuestras vidas.
Hoy quiero aprovechar para invitarlas a que miren a su alrededor y se
cuestionen así mismas sobre el legado que estamos dejando a las más jóvenes, aún
necesitamos seguir rompiendo estereotipos y aprovechar lo hermoso de ser mujer
en esta época. Vamos por buen camino pero aún no hemos llegado al final de él.
Feliz 8 de marzo! Día de Mujeres Valientes, Fuertes y con Ganas de cambiar el mundo.
- très chic by paulina -
An empowered woman is synonymous of self-esteem because she knows her limits, abilities and challenges them. But more importantly she wish and dream to see others connect with her power, her female power. This means to be a woman safe and free to choose every day who to be, what to wear, with whom to share her life and walk hand to hand without complexes and fears. An empowered woman is the owner of her life.
The daily adventure leads me to conceive my life as a constant challenge, I am a woman with two passions: Fashion and Architecture. I decided not to limit myself to one, and to work at both. In a world of men like architecture I love to highlight my creativity in design with concepts and details that only the sixth sense of a woman can understand. In fashion I always seek to cross the limits of my comfort zone and explore, 365 outfit in a year means 365 opportunities of each day be who you want to be.
This is my daily inspiration to write for this blog, with the aim of understanding together that when we place our heels, we are secretly slightly more powerful, that with them we embrace our femininity and thus feel the owners of our lives.
Today I want to take the opportunity to invite you to look around and question yourselves about the legacy we are leaving the youngest girls, we still need to continue to break stereotypes and take advantage of the beauty of being a woman at this time. We are on the right track but we have not yet reached the end of it.
The daily adventure leads me to conceive my life as a constant challenge, I am a woman with two passions: Fashion and Architecture. I decided not to limit myself to one, and to work at both. In a world of men like architecture I love to highlight my creativity in design with concepts and details that only the sixth sense of a woman can understand. In fashion I always seek to cross the limits of my comfort zone and explore, 365 outfit in a year means 365 opportunities of each day be who you want to be.
This is my daily inspiration to write for this blog, with the aim of understanding together that when we place our heels, we are secretly slightly more powerful, that with them we embrace our femininity and thus feel the owners of our lives.
Today I want to take the opportunity to invite you to look around and question yourselves about the legacy we are leaving the youngest girls, we still need to continue to break stereotypes and take advantage of the beauty of being a woman at this time. We are on the right track but we have not yet reached the end of it.
Happy March 8th! Day of Brave, Strong and with desire to change the world Women!!
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Beyoncé |
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Emma Watson |
mucho love, Pau
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