Un outfit no hace sólo su trabajo el 50% lo hace tu actitud!
La imagen que quieras proyectar de ti misma no está solo en lo que vistes, sino en como usas cada prenda y la actitud que le imprimes.
Este atuendo me encanta por su feminidad entre la falda de tul y los tacones y, su lado trendy con la chaqueta bomber y la camiseta. Si a eso le sumas el clutch pues facilmente notarás que llevaba una actitud muy delicada al 200%. Más tarde dejé los tacones por mis tan amados tenis negros y pues la hiper actividad se apoderó de mí jajaja!
Sean siempre ustedes mismas eso es lo más importante!!
- très chic by paulina -
An outfit does not do its job by itself the 50% belongs to your attitude!
The image you want to project of yourself is not made base only on what you wear. It's all about how you use each garment and the attitude you print on it.
I love this outfit for its femininity between the tulle skirt and the heels and, its trendy side with the bomber jacket and the shirt. If you add the clutch you will easily notice that my girly and delicate side was raised to the 200%. Later I left my heels for my beloved black sneakers and then the hyper activity took over me lol! (watch it all below).
Just Be always Yourselves that is the most important !!
The image you want to project of yourself is not made base only on what you wear. It's all about how you use each garment and the attitude you print on it.
I love this outfit for its femininity between the tulle skirt and the heels and, its trendy side with the bomber jacket and the shirt. If you add the clutch you will easily notice that my girly and delicate side was raised to the 200%. Later I left my heels for my beloved black sneakers and then the hyper activity took over me lol! (watch it all below).
Just Be always Yourselves that is the most important !!
hoy llevo..
atuendo completo: DonnaBella & Piu
en el cambio:
sneakers: Nike
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