Este es mi outfit que llevé al evento del Primer Aniversario de la tienda de Anabel López (más abajo un adelanto de su nueva colección). Hoy no puse estas prendas juntas pensando en contarles sobre tendencias o formas de llevar cierta pieza, hoy soy simplemente yo y mi estilo.
Este es un atuendo de esos que usaría cualquier día, con prendas que como dirían quienes me conocen son: muy yo! jaja!!! Por eso hoy he pensado en difinir y aceptar estos hechos de mi estilo:
-Me gustan los "statement pieces", esas prendas que para muchos resultan muy rebuscadas para mi son parte del reto diario de hacer atuendos diferentes.
- No puedo dejar de comprar camisetas! la verdad tengo demasiadas...
- Me es casi imposible añadir un toque de color a un atuendo blanco y negro (sorry!).
- En cada atuendo hay una pieza que lo lleva de nivel casual a "très chic".
- très chic by paulina -
This is my outfit wich I wore to attend to the first anniversary of Anabel López store (below a preview of her new collection). Today I'm not wearing this outfit thinking to tell you about trends or ways to bring some piece,Today it's just my own style.
This outfit is one of those I would use in any day, with garments as those who know me say: so me! LOL! So today I thought I should tell you these facts about my style:
- I love statement pieces, those items that for many people are very elaborated for me are a essencial part of the daily challenge of wearing different outfits.
- I can not stop buying shirts! To tell you the truth have to many of them...
- I find almost impossible to add a pop of color to a black and white outfit (sorry!).
- Each outfit has a piece that can take it from casual to "très chic" level.
This outfit is one of those I would use in any day, with garments as those who know me say: so me! LOL! So today I thought I should tell you these facts about my style:
- I love statement pieces, those items that for many people are very elaborated for me are a essencial part of the daily challenge of wearing different outfits.
- I can not stop buying shirts! To tell you the truth have to many of them...
- I find almost impossible to add a pop of color to a black and white outfit (sorry!).
- Each outfit has a piece that can take it from casual to "très chic" level.
estoy usando:
camiseta / t-shirt: Vogue
pantalones / pants: Naf Naf
tacones / heels: Zara (new)
bolso / bag: Carolina Herrera
abrigo / coat: Zara
La parte mas divertida de todo evento es reencontrarme con mis fashionistas favoritos!!
Anabel López, invierno 2016
Como siempre Anabel logró impactarnos con su originalidad y estilo propio. Personalmente lo que más me gusta de sus diseños es la forma en la que mezcla texturas. Esta vez no pude resistirme a ir por una de sus prendas (pronto se las muestro por aquí).
Abajo les dejo una selección de lo que más me gustó de su nueva colección.
Felicidades Anabel y que sea el primero de muchos aniversarios.
- très chic by paulina -
As always Anabel managed to hit us with her originality and own style. Personally I love the way she mis textures on her designs. This time I could not resist myself going for one of their garments (soon you you will see it here!).
Down is a selection of what I liked the most about her new collection.
Congratulations Anabel and is may it could be the first of many anniversaries.
much love, Pau
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