Ya les había mostrado una previa desde las redes sociales, pero no quise dejar de mostrarles aquí algunas imagenes de lo que fué una de las mejores pasarelas y evento en lo que a la moda Quiteña concierne, Designer Book.
Diseño de autor, ecológico, minimalista y de muy buen estilismo, es como podría definir a ARTE, la 9na. entrega de DB. El evento se realizó en la Capilla del Hombre, un lugar hermoso rodeado del talento del Maestro Guayasamín y además por primera ocasión en la Capital. (ahora pedimos que se repita!).
Los amantes de la moda que nos reunimos el pasado jueves 19, lo disfrutamos al máximo y terminamos enamorados de muchos de los diseños que pudimos ver. Hoy les muestro algunas imagenes, me costó muchisimo escoger!
Pronto les muestro mi atuendo de este día.
- très chic by paulina -
I've already shown you some previous photos and videos in my social networks, but it I didn't stop me to show here some images of what was one of the best runway and event as far as fashion is concerned in Quito: Designer Book.
Author's design, ecological, minimalist and very good styling, this is how It could be defined: ARTE, the 9th.delivery from DB. The event was held in the "Capilla del Hombre" museum, a beautiful place surrounded by the art of the talented of Guayasamin and also for the first time in the capital. (Now we can't stop asking to see it again!!).
Fashion lovers got together last thursday 19th, enjoyed the most and ended in falling in love with many of the designs we saw. Today I show you some images, it cost me a lot to choose from a pile of great photos!
Soon I will show you my outfit of that day.
Author's design, ecological, minimalist and very good styling, this is how It could be defined: ARTE, the 9th.delivery from DB. The event was held in the "Capilla del Hombre" museum, a beautiful place surrounded by the art of the talented of Guayasamin and also for the first time in the capital. (Now we can't stop asking to see it again!!).
Fashion lovers got together last thursday 19th, enjoyed the most and ended in falling in love with many of the designs we saw. Today I show you some images, it cost me a lot to choose from a pile of great photos!
Soon I will show you my outfit of that day.
Talitha IND
Encantada por el talento de esta guayaquileña y su colección Protozoaria SS16. Además acompañada del Calzado de Patricia Guerrero, una combinación perfecta!.
- très chic by paulina -
Enchanted by her talent and Protozoaria SS16 collection. Also with Patricia Guerrero Shoes, such a great combo!
Melissa Murtinho Y Martalía (joyería de autor)
Diseño ecológico y muy creativo.
Pionera en el uso de materiales como manteles y cortinas en prendas con siluetas divinas, no pude dejar de incluir un sin fin de sus prendas mi lista de deseos.
- très chic by paulina -
Very creative and Eco-design.
Pioneered in the use of materials such as tablecloths and curtains with divine silhouettes clothes, I could not stop including a lot of garments my wish list.
Camilo Álvarez
La propuesta internacional de este diseñador colombiano me hizo revalorar los atuendos monocromáticos. Muchas de sus piezas podría facilmente incluirlas en mi closet, mi favorita!
- très chic by paulina -
The international proposal of this Colombian designer made me appreciate monochromatic outfits. Many of his pieces I could easily include in my closet, my favorite runway!
much love, Pau
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