Tal vez les parezca tan raro como a mi misma al verme sin mis tacones y usando tenis, si soy yo! en una versión muy cómoda y relajada de mis misma... LOL.
Prefiero pensar que esta es la evolución de mi misma y el producto de llevar la mente abierta a nuevas tendencias, estilos y prendas. Además de encontrar los tenis que más se ajusten a mi estilo que me gusten tanto como estos.
Evidentemente este ha sido un proceso largo para mí y me gustaría ayudarlas con este consejo que me dió el punto inicial para arriesgarme por este estilo:
¡No pienses en estilo deportivo! la forma más fácil de armar este tipo de outfits es hacerlo vistiéndote como lo harías normalmente para ponerte unas flats o incluso tacones, con la diferencia que al final le añades el toque sport con los tenis.
- très chic by paulina -
It may seem as strange as myself to see me without my heels and wearing tennis, yes it me! in a very comfortable and relaxed version of myself... LOL.
I prefer to think that this is the evolution of myself and the product of an open mind to new trends, styles and clothes. In addition finding the tennis that best suit my style that I love as much as these.
Obviously it has been a long process for me and I would love to help you with this advice that gave me the start point to take the risk for this style:
¡Do not think of sporty style! the easiest way to put together this kind of outfit is to get dressed as you normally would do for wearing flats or even heels, with the only difference that in the end you add the sporty touch with your tennis.
I prefer to think that this is the evolution of myself and the product of an open mind to new trends, styles and clothes. In addition finding the tennis that best suit my style that I love as much as these.
Obviously it has been a long process for me and I would love to help you with this advice that gave me the start point to take the risk for this style:
¡Do not think of sporty style! the easiest way to put together this kind of outfit is to get dressed as you normally would do for wearing flats or even heels, with the only difference that in the end you add the sporty touch with your tennis.
about my outfit:
crop top: H&M (new)
jeans: Stradivarius
chaqueta / jacket: Mango
tennis: Adidas (new)
bolso / bag: Chanel
aretes / earing: Zara (new)
much love, Pau
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