Muchas cosas han cambiado en esta década y este blog es la prueba, sin querer este espacio ha sido el reflejo de mi viaje en búsqueda de mi estilo, de experimentar con tendencias y sobre todo de hacer una introspección del significado de la moda en mi vida.
Me veo al espejo con aquellas prendas que amo y no puedo evitar sentirme afortunada de estar viviendo lo que presiento es un MOMENTO en la historia de moda femenina, donde lo más importante es ser nosotras mismas, sentirnos representadas y verdaderamente estar cómodas. Un punto de partida con el que me he estado preguntando si hoy "estar cómodas" tiene un significado diferente o si es hoy por hoy un nuevo momento de liberación femenina. En estos días verte bien y/o llevar un gran outfit no requiere tacones, requiere de tu actitud; no necesita de estar súper elegante, necesita que le imprimas tu personalidad!
Los jeans y los sneakers nunca se sintieron tan TRES CHIC!
10 years ago when someone said to me: "this is how I am comfy", they were always referring to messy outfits, zero personal care or just pajamas. And in that same context the phrase "Très Chic" was born as a symbol of elegance and femininity. Also understanding this as being away from tennis shoes, sportswear and always close to heels and very refined outfits.
Many things have changed in this decade and this blog is the perfect proof. Unintentionally this space has been the reflection of my own journey in search for my style, of experimenting with trends and above all of doing an introspection of the meaning of fashion in my life .
I see myself in the mirror with those clothes I love and I can't help but feel lucky to be living what I feel is a MOMENT in the history of women's fashion. Tha t moment where the most important thing is to be ourselves, feel represented and truly be comfortable. A starting point with which I have been wondering if today "being comfy" has a different meaning or if today is a new moment of women's liberation. These days looking good or wearing a great outfit does not require heels, it requires your attitude; It does not need to be super elegant, it needs you to be full of your personality!
Jeans and sneakers never felt more TRÈS CHIC!
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