Siento que 2020 es el año en el que más nos sentimos preocupados por el futuro y el medio ambiente. Pulgares arriba por eso, pues todos podemos hacer algo. Comencemos por lo que usamos y con nuestros closets, con los cuales es súper importante aprender a sacarles más provecho.
Estoy segura que todas tenemos una maxi falda en el armario o en mi caso un maxi vestido. Esta es una prenda que puede acompañarnos por muchos años e irse acoplando a nuestro día a día y estilo. Solo es cuestión de ver el otro lado de las cosas, digo esto porque tengo este vestido desde hace 8 años y siempre lo había llevado con tacones y de forma súper femenina, pero hoy me arriesgué a llevarlo al extremo deportivo. Entonces cual es la mejor forma de llevar tu maxi falda este año?? reutilizando la que tienes! te reto a usarla al menos en 7 - 10 looks diferentes, no comprar y así reducir un poquito tu huella de carbono.
I feel that 2020 is the year in which we feel most concerned about the future and the environment. Thumbs up for that, because we can all do something. Let's start with what we wear and our closets. Which is super important to learn how to get more profits from them.
I'm sure we all have a maxi skirt in our wardrobes or in my case a maxi dress. This is a garment that can accompany us for many years and be combine to our daily activities and style. It is only a matter of seeing the other side of things. I say it because I have been wearing this dress for 8 years and I'd always worn it with heels in a super feminine way. But today I took the risk to wear it in a super sporty style. So, what is the best way to wear your maxi skirt this year? Simple answer: reusing the one you already have! I encourage you to use it at least in 7 - 10 different looks, do not buy and thus reduce a bit your carbon footprint.
I'm sure we all have a maxi skirt in our wardrobes or in my case a maxi dress. This is a garment that can accompany us for many years and be combine to our daily activities and style. It is only a matter of seeing the other side of things. I say it because I have been wearing this dress for 8 years and I'd always worn it with heels in a super feminine way. But today I took the risk to wear it in a super sporty style. So, what is the best way to wear your maxi skirt this year? Simple answer: reusing the one you already have! I encourage you to use it at least in 7 - 10 different looks, do not buy and thus reduce a bit your carbon footprint.
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