Jeans y un suéter son tan solo unos jeans y un suéter, o no? hasta que...
1. Le imprimes personalidad al menos con una pieza. Un suéter con una leyenda es la forma más fácil de hacerlo.
2. Añades los accesorios correctos para el estilo que quieres darle al look.
3. Subes de nivel el look con unos tacones de impacto.
4. Añades siluetas inesperadas como con unos jeans estilo "papers bag pants".
5. Usas trucos de estilismo usando el suéter dentro de tus pantalones.
Jeans and a sweater are just jeans and a sweater, or not? until...
1. You print personality with at least one piece. A sweater with a legend is the easiest way to do it.
2. Add the right accessories for the style you want to achieve with the look.
3. Level up the look with some awesomw high heels.
4. Add unexpected silhouettes like with jeans on papers bag pants style
5. You wear styling tricks like wearing the sweater inside your pants.
1. You print personality with at least one piece. A sweater with a legend is the easiest way to do it.
2. Add the right accessories for the style you want to achieve with the look.
3. Level up the look with some awesomw high heels.
4. Add unexpected silhouettes like with jeans on papers bag pants style
5. You wear styling tricks like wearing the sweater inside your pants.
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