Ligera, por debajo de la rodilla, con brillo y algo de vuelos: La Falda Satinada es el "must have" del verano. Lo que nos hace amarlas tanto es su movimiento y ese brillo tan sofisticado, además de ese patrón ligeramente acampanado que favorece muchísimo a la hora de disimular las curvas. El mayor truco para usarlas es llevarlas lejos de toda su formalidad y combinarlas con prendas básicas y sencillas.
Mi primera opción fue usarlas con zapatillas blancas (habló la #SportyChicQueen jajaja!) pero luego pensé en mostrarles una opción diferente y entonces traje estas botas vaqueras que llevo buscando por mucho tiempo y que además genera un contraste genial con el brillo de la falda y el animal print.
Les confieso también que veo esta falda en múltiples looks de playa y eso la convierte en un compra muy inteligente. Si necesitas un extra para ir por ella te dejo mi código de descuento de SheIn: treschicbypaulina 15% de descuento extra.
Light, below the knee, with shine and some ruffle: Satin Skirt is the summer must have. What makes us love them so much is their movement and that sophisticated shine. In addition it slightly flared pattern is super flattering for curvy siluets. The biggest trick to wear this piece is to take it away from all their formality and combine it with basic and simple clothes.
My first option was to wear them with white sneakers (spoke the #SportyChicQueen hahaha!) But then I thought to show you a different option. That's why I bring you this cowboy boots' attire that goes around a great contrast with the shine of the skirt and the animal print.
I must confess that I see this skirt in multiple beach looks and that makes it a very smart purchase. If you need an extra to go for it, I'll give you my SheIn discount code: treschicbypaulina 15% extra discount.
My first option was to wear them with white sneakers (spoke the #SportyChicQueen hahaha!) But then I thought to show you a different option. That's why I bring you this cowboy boots' attire that goes around a great contrast with the shine of the skirt and the animal print.
I must confess that I see this skirt in multiple beach looks and that makes it a very smart purchase. If you need an extra to go for it, I'll give you my SheIn discount code: treschicbypaulina 15% extra discount.
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