Sin duda el color rosa es el
favorito de much@s, no solo no solo para vestirse, sino por todo lo que
representa: seguridad y empoderamiento. Es
además en estos días un tono que no involucra género y que ha ayudado a liberarnos
del prejuicio de que “el rosa es para las niñas”, también ellos han encontrado
el gusto en él. ¿Por qué entonces es especial en un día como hoy?? La respuesta
es sencilla evoca sentimientos de nostalgia, paz, calma, tranquilidad y
sobretodo afecto.
Es así, que bajo este matiz se
crea una suerte de magia que envuelve vanguardia, belleza y estilo. Un conjunto que mueve a mujeres
unidas por la moda y la amistad intentando inspirar a sus símiles a través de
esta producción llena amistad, cariño y gratitud a quienes hacen sus días
Undoubtedly, the pink color is the favorite of many us. Not only to wear, but for everything it represents: security and empowerment. It is also in these days a tone that does not involve gender and has helped to free us from the prejudice that "pink is for girls". Boys also have found pleasure on it. So, why is it special on a day like today? The answer is simple it evokes feelings like nostalgia, peace, calm, tranquility and above all affection.
This is how, under this tint a sort of magic is created that envelops: avant-garde, beauty and style. A union that moves a group of women united by fashion and friendship trying to inspire their similes through this production full of friendship, affection and gratitude to those who make their days bright.
This is how, under this tint a sort of magic is created that envelops: avant-garde, beauty and style. A union that moves a group of women united by fashion and friendship trying to inspire their similes through this production full of friendship, affection and gratitude to those who make their days bright.
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