La moda para mí ha sido un camino lleno de paradas insospechadas que me han llevando a descubrirme a mi misma y por ende a mi propio estilo. Este atuendo es la prueba más grande de esto, nunca pensé que los tenis se volverían mis prendas favoritas y parte primordial de mi closet.
Aún muchas de ustedes me han confesado que no se atreven a experimentar con el estilo sporty chic y por ello hoy les cuento mis tres reglas principales para que puedan brillar en él:
1. Tus tenis deben estar siempre limpios, llevarlos sucios o peor aún rotos le resta glamour a cualquier outfit.
2. Encuentra el balance perfecto, 40% sporty y 60% chic.
3. Atrevete a experimentar, busca mezclas y contrastes que te ayuden a salir de tu zona de confort, los resultados siempre serán increibles.
Fashion for me has been a road full of unsuspected stops that have allow me to discover myself and therefore my own style. This outfit is the biggest proof of this, I never thought that sneakers would become my favorite clothes and such a big part of my closet.
Eventough, still many of you have confessed me that you do not dare yourself to experiment with the sporty chic style and for that reason today I'll tell you my three main rules so that they can shine in ot:
1. Your sneakers should always be clean, never wear them dirty or even worse ripped or damaged. That will spoil any outfit.
2. Find the perfect balance, 40% sporty and 60% chic.
3. Dare to experiment, look for mixtures and contrasts that help to take you out of your comfort zone, the results will always be incredible.
Eventough, still many of you have confessed me that you do not dare yourself to experiment with the sporty chic style and for that reason today I'll tell you my three main rules so that they can shine in ot:
1. Your sneakers should always be clean, never wear them dirty or even worse ripped or damaged. That will spoil any outfit.
2. Find the perfect balance, 40% sporty and 60% chic.
3. Dare to experiment, look for mixtures and contrasts that help to take you out of your comfort zone, the results will always be incredible.
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