Como ya saben la camisa blanca es un indispensable para mi y no me gusta pensar en ella como una prenda encasillada en lo formal.
Hoy me atrevo a reinventarla con tres pasos:
1. Apuestale a otras versiones: busca un modelo diferente de camisa, con algo especial como las impresiones que lleva la mía hoy.
2. Combinala con todo menos tacones, para obtener looks relajados.
3. Anudala, dóblala o como yo solo deja ver la mitad de ella. Estos pequeños trucos harán una gran diferencia.
- très chic by paulina -
As you know the white shirt is an indispensable for me and I don't like to think on it as a garment classify just for formal ocasions.
Today I wan to reinvent it in three simple steps:
1. Bet on different versions: look for a different model of shirt, with something special like the impressions that of mine today.
2. Combine it with anything but heels, in order to get relaxed looks.
3. Knot it, tuck it or as I did just let see half of it. These little tricks will make a big difference.
Today I wan to reinvent it in three simple steps:
1. Bet on different versions: look for a different model of shirt, with something special like the impressions that of mine today.
2. Combine it with anything but heels, in order to get relaxed looks.
3. Knot it, tuck it or as I did just let see half of it. These little tricks will make a big difference.
sobre mi atuendo...
camisa / t-shirt: Romwe (aqui)
falda/ skirt: Koaj
tenis: Payless Shoesource (new)
bolso / bag: Stradivarius
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