Las prendas con lazos y nudos serán una marcada tendencia esta temporada.
Estos toques sofisticados y femeninos los veremos en muchísimas prendas que giran en torno a estos detalles estructurados.
Y en mi atuendo de hoy esos nudos llegan con protagonismo en un atuendo minimalista y sencillo en bloques de color. Esta es mi versión de "voy al supermercado", es decir ultra cómoda y dispuesta a caminar mucho.
Feliz mes de mayo! un mes que comienza recargado de buenas vibras. besos.
- très chic by paulina -
Garments with ties and knots will be a such a huge trend this season.
We will see these sophisticated and feminine touches in many clothes that'll be all around those structured details.
Of course on today's outfit those knots arrive as a main character in a minimalist and simple outfit in color blocks. This is my version of "I'm going to the supermarket" wich means ultra comfortable and willing to walk.
Happy May! A month that starts overloaded with good vibes. Kisses.
We will see these sophisticated and feminine touches in many clothes that'll be all around those structured details.
Of course on today's outfit those knots arrive as a main character in a minimalist and simple outfit in color blocks. This is my version of "I'm going to the supermarket" wich means ultra comfortable and willing to walk.
Happy May! A month that starts overloaded with good vibes. Kisses.
sobre mi outfit:
suéter / swater: Romwe (new)
jeans: Zara
flats: Zara (new)
bolso / bag: Mango
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