Si existe una prenda clave y atemporal que pueda transformar totalmente un atuendo, es un abrigo color camel. En cuanto comienza la temporada de frios es algo incocienciente en mí el usarlo casi díario. Es además, una pieza clave en el armario en la que siempre recomiendo hacer una inversión de calidad.
Aunque todo mi atuendo se centra en bloques de colores, me decidí por darle un giro con un toque divertido de azul. No acostumbro a llevar cartera y zapatos combinados pero de vez en cuando es bueno ir en contra de lo acostumbrado, muchas veces así se obtienen resultados inesperados. Las animo a probar cada día algo diferente.
Mis favoritos de hoy: estos botines bicolores, entre la piel de serpiente y el azul klein pueden ser muy vérsatiles.
- très chic by paulina -
If there is a key and timeless garment that can totally transform an outfit, it is a camel coat. As the cold season begins there is something inside me calling to wear it almost daily. I do considere it a key piece for your closet where you should make a quality investment.
Although my outfit focuses on colored blocks, I decided to give it a funny twist with a touch of blue. I usually do not wear matching shoes and bag but occasionally it's good to go against you usual do, often it could bring unexpected results. I encourage you to try something different every day.
My favorites today: These bi-colored booties, between the snakeskin and blue klein i believe they can be very versatile.
Although my outfit focuses on colored blocks, I decided to give it a funny twist with a touch of blue. I usually do not wear matching shoes and bag but occasionally it's good to go against you usual do, often it could bring unexpected results. I encourage you to try something different every day.
My favorites today: These bi-colored booties, between the snakeskin and blue klein i believe they can be very versatile.
sobre mi atuendo:
jeans: Stradivarius
súeter / sweater: Zara
tacones / heels: Vitta Brasil (new)
bolso / bag: Aldo
abrigo/ coat: Zara
much love, Pau
que hermosa mi Pauli!!
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