En atuendos monocromáticos o combinados con jeans los tonos neutros se han vuelto nuestros mejores amigos (trend alert!). Siempre digo que blancos, grises y beiges van con todo, pero hoy concluyo que me gustan aun más juntos.
Estos atuendos me cargan de buenas vibras y destacan la sencillez como la clave del balance perfecto.
- très chic by paulina -
In monochromatic outfits or combined with jeans neutral tones have become our best friends (trend alert!). I always say that white, gray and beige go well with everything, but today I conclude that I like them even more together.
These outfits charge me with good vibes and emphasize simplicity as the key to the perfect balance.
These outfits charge me with good vibes and emphasize simplicity as the key to the perfect balance.
sobre mi atuendo:
skirt / falda: Choies (new)
shirt / camisa: Stradivarius
tacones / heels: Aldo
bolso / bag: Aldo
necklace / collar: Romwe
much love, Pau
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