Ya es difícil encontrar una persona con quien compartir tu día a día, pero si encuentras alguien con quien compartir estilo es un seguro: "quédate con él!".
No es cuestión de llevar la misma ropa, colores o de parece gemelos.
Para mí el coincidir con el vestir de tu chico se reduce a algo así como una sobre dosis de estilo donde cada uno le imprime a su atuendo su gusto y personalidad.
No siempre sucede, pero de vez en cuando tomamos el mismo camino hacemos clic! a la hora de vestirnos. No quise dejar pasar la oportunidad de mostrarles esta parte de mi vida y hablar sobre el ir a tono con tu chico, ya que algún punto es inevitable influenciar el uno en el otro.
- très chic by paulina -
It's hard to find a person with whom share your every day, but if you find someone to share style it's a "Stay with him!" for sure.
It's not about wearing the same clothes, colors or even to seem twins. For me the matching style with your guy comes down to something like an overdose of style where each one imprint its own outfit style and personality.
It's not about wearing the same clothes, colors or even to seem twins. For me the matching style with your guy comes down to something like an overdose of style where each one imprint its own outfit style and personality.
Occasionally we take the same path and make click! in what we wear. I did not want to miss the opportunity to show this part of my life and talk about going in tone with your guy, since at some point is inevitable to influence each other .
His outfit:
camiseta / t-shirt: Hard Rock
chaqueta / jacket: Zara
jeans: Zara
tennis: Adidas Original
Siempre cómodo y clásico así es Sergio, mi fotógrafo y a.k.a. esposo.
Aunque no lo admita siempre le imprime su toque trendy a su forma de vestirse.
- très chic by paulina -
Always so comfortable and classic Sergio, my photographer and aka husband.
Although he doesn't admit always gives his outfits a discrete but trendy touch.
Although he doesn't admit always gives his outfits a discrete but trendy touch.
Her outfit:
sudadera / sweatshirt: Romwe
chaqueta / jacket: Etafashion
jeans: Bershka
clutch / bolso: Zara
tennis: Adidas Original
Saben de sobra que el sporty chic es hoy en día mi estilo favorito. Lo han visto mucho por aqui! LOL
Hoy finalmente me convencí de apostarle a unos tennis blancos más aun por unos así de especiales. Fashion tip: Para usarlos me encanta combinarlos siempre con algo también blanco, simple pero aun así chic.
- très chic by paulina -
You know for sure that sporty chic nowadays is my favorite style. You have seen it much around here! LOL
Today I finally convinced myself to bet on white tennis even more so for a special ones like these. Fashion tip: I love to combine them with something too white, I think is simple but yet chic.
Today I finally convinced myself to bet on white tennis even more so for a special ones like these. Fashion tip: I love to combine them with something too white, I think is simple but yet chic.
much love, Pau
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