Muy rara vez les doy el día libre a mis estiletos, hoy es un día de esos. El sábado aprovechamos el día de independencia para salir a pasear por el Centro Histórico de Quito, que por cierto es bellisimo! Los pisos de piedra no son precisamente los más cómodos cuando llevas tacones aguja así que por eso usé mis zapatillas de tacón, super cómoda y sin perder la postura que los tacones aportan.
La inspiración oriental está en tendencia, kimonos, sedas y estampados no dejarán de maravillarnos esta temporada. Yo no he podido resistirme a probarla y terminé decantando por esta chaqueta beisbolera con estampado oriental, la espalda es mi parte favorita! Ya se atrevieron a probarla??...
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Very rarely I give them a day off yo my stilettos, today is one of those days. On Saturday was our independence day and we want to enjoy it walking through the historic center of Quito, which is really beautiful! Stone floors are not exactly the most comfortable when you wear stilettos so that's why I used my high top sneakers, super comfortable without losing the attitude that heels can bring.
Oriental Inspiration is on trend, kimonos, silks and prints will not stop this season. I could not resist it and I bought this baseball jacket with Oriental print, the back is my favorite part! Have you try it yet?? ...
Oriental Inspiration is on trend, kimonos, silks and prints will not stop this season. I could not resist it and I bought this baseball jacket with Oriental print, the back is my favorite part! Have you try it yet?? ...
chaqueta / jacket: Zara (new)
camiseta / t-shirt: Pinto
zapatos / shoes: Go Jane
bolso / bag: Guess
thanks for reading! ♥
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